How does Rebbi Yose uphold this verse,
bring your sacrifices in the morning, etc
1? The verse speaks about Jeroboam’s kingdom.
When Jeroboam became king over Israel he started seducing Israel and said to them come, let us worship pagan worship. Pagan worship is lenient. This is what is written,
let us go against Jehudah, cut it down, break it up, and appoint a king in it, the man from Ṭabeal2. Rebbi Abba said, we checked all of Scripture but did not find a place named Ṭabeal. But it treats its worshippers well. The Torah said,
selected him from all of the tribes of Israel to be a priest for Me3. Pagan worship says,
he made priests from the fringes of the people4. Rebbi La said, from the thorns of the people, the rubbish of the people. The Torah said,
the fat of My sacrifice shall not remain until the morning5; but pagan worship said,
bring your sacrifices in the morning6. The Torah said,
it should be eaten on the day of its slaughter and the next day7; but pagan worship said,
on the third day your tithes8. The Torah said,
do not sacrifice the blood of My sacrifice on leavened matter9; but pagan worship said,
and burn your thanksgiving offer of leavened matter10. The Torah said,
if you are vowing a vow to the Eternal, your God, do not tarry to fulfill it11, but pagan worship said,
pledge gifts, publicize them1213. Rebbi Yudan, Rebbi Mattaniah’s father, said, the verse only serves to mention the shame of Israel.
The day of our king, the princes are sick from wine’s heat, he draws the mockers by his hand14. On the day when Jeroboam became king over Israel, all of Israel came to him late in the evening and told him, come and worship pagan worship. He told them, it is late in the evening; I am drunk and not drunk
15. Everybody is drinking; but if you wish, go and come in the morning. That is what is written,
for their heart is like an oven while they are lying in ambush; all night long their baker is sleeping.16 All night long their baker did not sleep.
In the morning he is burning like fire of a conflagration17. In the morning they came to him. He told them, I do understand what you want but I am afraid of your Synhedrion lest they kill me. They told him, we shall kill them; this is what is written,
that all are glowing like an oven and eat their judges18. Rebbi Levi said, they killed them, as is written,
if a corpse is found19. Rebbi La said, they deposed them;
The day of our king, the princes are profaned from wine’s heat2021; the day when princes were profaned.
From wine’s heat, they were addicted to wine.
He draws the mockers by his hand: When he saw a serious person he placed two scoffers next to him who asked him, which generation was preferred over all generations? He told them, the generation of the Exodus. But did they not practice pagan worship? He answered them, because they were beloved they were not punished. But they told him, be quiet for the king wants to do the same. Not only that, but they made one and this one made two.
He put the one up at Bethel; the other he gave to Dan.
1. Since for him the Mishnah has no biblical basis; the cessation of commerce with idolators either is rabbinic or an old popular custom. The entire sermon is reproduced in Yalqut Šim`oni Prophets§542.
2. Is. 7:6. The tradition that Ṭabeal is a place rather than a personal name was accepted by the Medieval commentators of Prophets. According to Rashi the name is coded; one has to replace letter nby n+/-11; then טבאל becomes רַמְלֵא, a city founded after the Arab conquest.
3. 1S. 2:28.
4. 1K. 12:31; quoted in the Babli, Qiddušin 75b, in the name of R. Joḥanan.
5. Ex. 23:28.
6. Am. 4:4, speaking of the sinful service of the Golden Calf of Beth El.
7. Lev. 19:6.
8. Am. 4:4, speaking of the sinful service of the Golden Calf of Beth El.
9. Ex. 23:28.
10. Am. 4:4, speaking of the sinful service of the Golden Calf of Beth El.
11. Deut. 23:22.
12. Am. 4:4, speaking of the sinful service of the Golden Calf of Beth El.
13. But it is not necessary to fulfill one’s pledge. The reason of the Northern Kingdom’s apostasy is traced to the cost and onerous rules of Torah practice.
14. Hos. 4:5.
15. He claimed that his mental faculties were slightly impaired.
16. Hos. 4:6.
17. Hos. 4:6.
18. Hos. 4:7. All of Talmudic literature assumes that the legal system imagined for late Hasmonean rule was that of the Davidic kingdom.
19. Deut. 21:1. This sermon derives הֶחֱלוּ in Hos. 4:5 not from חלה “to be sick” but from חלל “to be perforated”.
20. Hos. 4:5.
21. Deriving הֶחֱלוּ in Hos. 4:5 from חול “to be profane”.
א. המלים בסוגריים המרובעים נוספו בגיליון כ״י ליידן.